The COVID-19 pandemic has complicated the supply of chemicals for PROQUIP, SA and its business partners.
We are redoubling our efforts to avoid oversights in our supply chain: teleworking, adapted and staggered schedules, maintaining safety distances, increased cleaning, disinfection, hand sanitizing and MASKS.
This is why we encourage the use of this new companion, essential to keep the spread of the pandemic under control. At the time when many of us are enjoying a well-deserved rest, we cannot afford to relax when it comes to prevention. This is why we have started a direct mail campaign to give away masks, and we will continue until the end of the year if the circumstances still force us use them.
Following our zero waste policy, this mask is reusable and will stand up to 70 washes at 60º without altering the properties of the authorized fabric.
We wish the entire tanning sector, as well as society in general, that the containment efforts we are all making will help to make the pandemic affect us as little possible until we have a working vaccine to face it.